{ "culture": "de-DE", "name": "EMODNET_DE_Q", "guid": "5D50FFBF-7151-4FC4-8CA1-185C3F88AF45", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The original map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale (\u201emulti-resolution\u201c-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2019 April). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map (section of Germany) provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).", "description": "Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The original map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale (\u201emulti-resolution\u201c-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2019 April). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map (section of Germany) provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).", "summary": "Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The original map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale (\u201emulti-resolution\u201c-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2019 April). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map (section of Germany) provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).", "title": "BGR Geologie: EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE)", "tags": [ "clay", "sand", "Germany", "EGDI", "GeolDG", "marine sediment", "marine geology", "sediment", "peat", "Deutschland", "Stratigraphie", "Geology", "Geologie", "silt", "National" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ 5, 53 ], [ 14, 55 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1, "spatialReference": "GCS_WGS_1984", "accessInformation": "(C) BGR: 2024", "licenseInfo": "Terms of Use: General terms and conditions, see https://www.bgr.bund.de/AGB_en. For further use provided information has to be cited as follows: EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE), (c) BGR Hannover, 2020" }