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Legend (boden/buek1000en)

BUEK1000EN Version 2.1 (0)
1 Dystric Regosols from sand dunes 1 Dystric Regosols from sand dunes
2 Salo-Thionic Gleysols in the tidal areas of the North Sea 2 Salo-Thionic Gleysols in the tidal areas of the North Sea
3 Calcaric and Eutric Gleysols from marine sediments (tidal marsh) 3 Calcaric and Eutric Gleysols from marine sediments (tidal marsh)
4 Gleyo-Eutric Fluvisols from brackish sediments (tidal marsh) 4 Gleyo-Eutric Fluvisols from brackish sediments (tidal marsh)
5 Eutric Fluvisols from tidal sediments (tidal marsh) 5 Eutric Fluvisols from tidal sediments (tidal marsh)
6 Eutric Histosols 6 Eutric Histosols
7 Dystric Histosols 7 Dystric Histosols
8 Fluvisols / Gleysols from loamy to clayey fluviatile sediments 8 Fluvisols / Gleysols from loamy to clayey fluviatile sediments
9 Gleyic Chernozems from calcareous clayey and silty sediments in the river valleys of the chernozem area 9 Gleyic Chernozems from calcareous clayey and silty sediments in the river valleys of the chernozem area
10 Fluvisols / Gleysols from sandy to loamy fluviatile sediments 10 Fluvisols / Gleysols from sandy to loamy fluviatile sediments
11 Fluvisols / Gleysols from rapidly alternating sandy to clayey fluviatile sediments 11 Fluvisols / Gleysols from rapidly alternating sandy to clayey fluviatile sediments
12 Gleysols from sandy sediments of the ice-marginal valleys and lowlands 12 Gleysols from sandy sediments of the ice-marginal valleys and lowlands
13 Calcaric Regosols / Calcaric Fluvisols from calcareous sandy to loamy sediments of river terraces 13 Calcaric Regosols / Calcaric Fluvisols from calcareous sandy to loamy sediments of river terraces
14 Haplic Luvisols from silty to loamy periglacial sediments overlying glacial gravels 14 Haplic Luvisols from silty to loamy periglacial sediments overlying glacial gravels
15 Haplic Luvisols from loess-covered loamy to sandy river-terrace deposits 15 Haplic Luvisols from loess-covered loamy to sandy river-terrace deposits
16 Dystric Cambisols from sandy river-terrace deposits 16 Dystric Cambisols from sandy river-terrace deposits
17 Haplic Podzols / Cambic Podzols / Gleyic Podzols from sandy fluviatile sediments 17 Haplic Podzols / Cambic Podzols / Gleyic Podzols from sandy fluviatile sediments
18 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Calcaric Regosols from Tertiary loess-bearing sediments 18 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Calcaric Regosols from Tertiary loess-bearing sediments
19 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Luvisols from boulder clay 19 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Luvisols from boulder clay
20 Luvic Chernozems / Haplic Luvisols from boulder clay or glacial-lake sediments 20 Luvic Chernozems / Haplic Luvisols from boulder clay or glacial-lake sediments
21 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Calcaric Regosols from calcareous loamy to sandy till 21 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Calcaric Regosols from calcareous loamy to sandy till
22 Stagnic Gleysols from boulder clay with a loamy to sandy cover 22 Stagnic Gleysols from boulder clay with a loamy to sandy cover
23 Stagnic Gleysols from loamy to sandy boulder clay 23 Stagnic Gleysols from loamy to sandy boulder clay
24 Stagnic Chernozems from boulder clay with a loamy to sandy cover 24 Stagnic Chernozems from boulder clay with a loamy to sandy cover
25 Spodic Luvisols / Spodic Podzoluvisols from sandy sediments overlying boulder clay 25 Spodic Luvisols / Spodic Podzoluvisols from sandy sediments overlying boulder clay
26 Dystric Podzoluvisols / Luvic Arenosols / Dystric Cambisols from sandy sediments overlying boulder clay 26 Dystric Podzoluvisols / Luvic Arenosols / Dystric Cambisols from sandy sediments overlying boulder clay
27 Calcaric and Umbric Regosols / Luvic Arenosols from sandy to loamy end moraine deposits (alternating patches) 27 Calcaric and Umbric Regosols / Luvic Arenosols from sandy to loamy end moraine deposits (alternating patches)
28 Spodo-Stagnic Cambisols / Stagnic Podzoluvisols from loamy to sandy deposits overlying boulder clay 28 Spodo-Stagnic Cambisols / Stagnic Podzoluvisols from loamy to sandy deposits overlying boulder clay
29 Stagnic and Spodic Gleysols from sandy deposits overlying boulder clay 29 Stagnic and Spodic Gleysols from sandy deposits overlying boulder clay
30 Eutric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from calcareous loamy and sandy to gravelly morainic deposits mixed with loess 30 Eutric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from calcareous loamy and sandy to gravelly morainic deposits mixed with loess
31 Cambic Podzols / Spodic Arenosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits 31 Cambic Podzols / Spodic Arenosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits
32 Eutric Cambisols / Luvic Arenosols from eutrophic sand deposits 32 Eutric Cambisols / Luvic Arenosols from eutrophic sand deposits
33 Haplic Podzols / Dystric Regosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits 33 Haplic Podzols / Dystric Regosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits
34 Dystric Regosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits 34 Dystric Regosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits
35 Calcaric Regosols from loess alternating with Rendzic Leptosols from marlstone and limestone 35 Calcaric Regosols from loess alternating with Rendzic Leptosols from marlstone and limestone
36 Haplic Chernozems from loess of the central German low-rainfall area 36 Haplic Chernozems from loess of the central German low-rainfall area
37 Haplic Chernozems / Eutric Cambisols from loess alternating with Rendzic Leptosols from marlstone and limestone 37 Haplic Chernozems / Eutric Cambisols from loess alternating with Rendzic Leptosols from marlstone and limestone
38 Haplic and Stagnic Chernozems from loess overlying claystone and marlstone 38 Haplic and Stagnic Chernozems from loess overlying claystone and marlstone
39 Chernozems from loess and loess-like silty sediments 39 Chernozems from loess and loess-like silty sediments
40 Phaeozemic Luvisols / Luvic Phaeozems from loess or loessic loam 40 Phaeozemic Luvisols / Luvic Phaeozems from loess or loessic loam
41 Phaeozemic and Haplic Luvisols from sandy loess overlying sandy glacial sediments or boulder clay 41 Phaeozemic and Haplic Luvisols from sandy loess overlying sandy glacial sediments or boulder clay
42 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Gleysols from loess or loessic loam overlying various rocks 42 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Gleysols from loess or loessic loam overlying various rocks
43 Stagnic Gleysols from loess or loessic loam overlying various rocks 43 Stagnic Gleysols from loess or loessic loam overlying various rocks
44 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Gleysols from various siliceous weathering products mixed with loess 44 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Gleysols from various siliceous weathering products mixed with loess
45 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols from sandy loess or loessic loam 45 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols from sandy loess or loessic loam
46 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Eutric Cambisols from sandy loess overlying sand or loam 46 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Eutric Cambisols from sandy loess overlying sand or loam
47 Eutric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from loessic loam with fragments of basalt 47 Eutric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from loessic loam with fragments of basalt
48 Stagnic Gleysols / Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols from loess or loessic loam 48 Stagnic Gleysols / Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols from loess or loessic loam
49 Rendzic Leptosols from slope deposits over limestone, marlstone, and dolomite alternating with Chromic Cambisols and Chromic Luvisols from silty and clayey material derived from limestone weathering 49 Rendzic Leptosols from slope deposits over limestone, marlstone, and dolomite alternating with Chromic Cambisols and Chromic Luvisols from silty and clayey material derived from limestone weathering
50 Eutric and Chromic Cambisols from redeposited material derived from lime-stone, marlstone and dolomite weathering and Rendzic Leptosols from limestone 50 Eutric and Chromic Cambisols from redeposited material derived from lime-stone, marlstone and dolomite weathering and Rendzic Leptosols from limestone
51 Vertic Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from marlstone and claystone weathering 51 Vertic Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from marlstone and claystone weathering
52 Eutric Cambisols from marlstone and calcareous gravels 52 Eutric Cambisols from marlstone and calcareous gravels
53 Eutric Cambisols from basic and intermediate igneous rocks 53 Eutric Cambisols from basic and intermediate igneous rocks
54 Andic Cambisols from tuffs rich in bases 54 Andic Cambisols from tuffs rich in bases
55 Dystric Cambisols from acid igneous and metamorphic rocks 55 Dystric Cambisols from acid igneous and metamorphic rocks
56 Dystric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from weathered metamorphic rocks, sand-stone, quartzite, and acid to intermediate igneous rocks 56 Dystric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from weathered metamorphic rocks, sand-stone, quartzite, and acid to intermediate igneous rocks
57 Spodic Cambisols from acid igneous and metamorphic rocks 57 Spodic Cambisols from acid igneous and metamorphic rocks
58 Spodic Cambisols from siltstone, sandstone, and claystone 58 Spodic Cambisols from siltstone, sandstone, and claystone
59 Spodic Cambisols from hard argillaceous and silty slates with greywacke, sandstone, quartzite, and phyllite 59 Spodic Cambisols from hard argillaceous and silty slates with greywacke, sandstone, quartzite, and phyllite
60 Spodic Cambisols from hard argillaceous and silty slates, greywacke, and phyllite 60 Spodic Cambisols from hard argillaceous and silty slates, greywacke, and phyllite
61 Dystric Cambisols from quartzitic sandstones and conglomerates with low base status 61 Dystric Cambisols from quartzitic sandstones and conglomerates with low base status
62 Dystric Cambisols from loess-bearing sediments overlying sandstone and quartzite 62 Dystric Cambisols from loess-bearing sediments overlying sandstone and quartzite
63 Cambic and Haplic Podzols from sandstone and quartzite with low base status 63 Cambic and Haplic Podzols from sandstone and quartzite with low base status
64 Stagnic and Spodic Gleysols from loamy and gritty cover sediments mixed with loess overlying sandstone and quartzite 64 Stagnic and Spodic Gleysols from loamy and gritty cover sediments mixed with loess overlying sandstone and quartzite
65 Frequently alternating Dystric and Spodic Cambisols / Rendzic Leptosols / Haplic Luvisols from slate, greywacke, and limestone, and loessic loam overlying various rocks 65 Frequently alternating Dystric and Spodic Cambisols / Rendzic Leptosols / Haplic Luvisols from slate, greywacke, and limestone, and loessic loam overlying various rocks
66 Frequently alternating Rendzic and Umbric Leptosols / Spodic and Vertic Cambisols / Haplic Luvisol / Stagnic Gleysols from limestone and marlstone, sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, and loessic loam overlying various rocks 66 Frequently alternating Rendzic and Umbric Leptosols / Spodic and Vertic Cambisols / Haplic Luvisol / Stagnic Gleysols from limestone and marlstone, sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, and loessic loam overlying various rocks
67 Relics of Acrisols / Ferralsols formed during the Tertiary 67 Relics of Acrisols / Ferralsols formed during the Tertiary
68 Soils of different altitudes of the alps from limestone and dolomite (e.g. Rendzic Leptosols / Calcaric Cambisols), and non-calcareous silicate rocks (e.g. Umbric Leptosols / Spodic Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols) 68 Soils of different altitudes of the alps from limestone and dolomite (e.g. Rendzic Leptosols / Calcaric Cambisols), and non-calcareous silicate rocks (e.g. Umbric Leptosols / Spodic Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols)
69 Lithic Leptosols of the higher altitude zones of the alps 69 Lithic Leptosols of the higher altitude zones of the alps
70 Sealed areas in larger cities (Urbic Anthrosols) 70 Sealed areas in larger cities (Urbic Anthrosols)
71 Soils redeposited by man and large open-cast mines (Cumulic Anthrosols) 71 Soils redeposited by man and large open-cast mines (Cumulic Anthrosols)
72 Surface water 72 Surface water