| 1 Dystric Regosols from sand dunes |
| 2 Salo-Thionic Gleysols in the tidal areas of the North Sea |
| 3 Calcaric and Eutric Gleysols from marine sediments (tidal marsh) |
| 4 Gleyo-Eutric Fluvisols from brackish sediments (tidal marsh) |
| 5 Eutric Fluvisols from tidal sediments (tidal marsh) |
| 6 Eutric Histosols |
| 7 Dystric Histosols |
| 8 Fluvisols / Gleysols from loamy to clayey fluviatile sediments |
| 9 Gleyic Chernozems from calcareous clayey and silty sediments in the river valleys of the chernozem area |
| 10 Fluvisols / Gleysols from sandy to loamy fluviatile sediments |
| 11 Fluvisols / Gleysols from rapidly alternating sandy to clayey fluviatile sediments |
| 12 Gleysols from sandy sediments of the ice-marginal valleys and lowlands |
| 13 Calcaric Regosols / Calcaric Fluvisols from calcareous sandy to loamy sediments of river terraces |
| 14 Haplic Luvisols from silty to loamy periglacial sediments overlying glacial gravels |
| 15 Haplic Luvisols from loess-covered loamy to sandy river-terrace deposits |
| 16 Dystric Cambisols from sandy river-terrace deposits |
| 17 Haplic Podzols / Cambic Podzols / Gleyic Podzols from sandy fluviatile sediments |
| 18 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Calcaric Regosols from Tertiary loess-bearing sediments |
| 19 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Luvisols from boulder clay |
| 20 Luvic Chernozems / Haplic Luvisols from boulder clay or glacial-lake sediments |
| 21 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Calcaric Regosols from calcareous loamy to sandy till |
| 22 Stagnic Gleysols from boulder clay with a loamy to sandy cover |
| 23 Stagnic Gleysols from loamy to sandy boulder clay |
| 24 Stagnic Chernozems from boulder clay with a loamy to sandy cover |
| 25 Spodic Luvisols / Spodic Podzoluvisols from sandy sediments overlying boulder clay |
| 26 Dystric Podzoluvisols / Luvic Arenosols / Dystric Cambisols from sandy sediments overlying boulder clay |
| 27 Calcaric and Umbric Regosols / Luvic Arenosols from sandy to loamy end moraine deposits (alternating patches) |
| 28 Spodo-Stagnic Cambisols / Stagnic Podzoluvisols from loamy to sandy deposits overlying boulder clay |
| 29 Stagnic and Spodic Gleysols from sandy deposits overlying boulder clay |
| 30 Eutric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from calcareous loamy and sandy to gravelly morainic deposits mixed with loess |
| 31 Cambic Podzols / Spodic Arenosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits |
| 32 Eutric Cambisols / Luvic Arenosols from eutrophic sand deposits |
| 33 Haplic Podzols / Dystric Regosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits |
| 34 Dystric Regosols from dry dystrophic sand deposits |
| 35 Calcaric Regosols from loess alternating with Rendzic Leptosols from marlstone and limestone |
| 36 Haplic Chernozems from loess of the central German low-rainfall area |
| 37 Haplic Chernozems / Eutric Cambisols from loess alternating with Rendzic Leptosols from marlstone and limestone |
| 38 Haplic and Stagnic Chernozems from loess overlying claystone and marlstone |
| 39 Chernozems from loess and loess-like silty sediments |
| 40 Phaeozemic Luvisols / Luvic Phaeozems from loess or loessic loam |
| 41 Phaeozemic and Haplic Luvisols from sandy loess overlying sandy glacial sediments or boulder clay |
| 42 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Gleysols from loess or loessic loam overlying various rocks |
| 43 Stagnic Gleysols from loess or loessic loam overlying various rocks |
| 44 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Stagnic Gleysols from various siliceous weathering products mixed with loess |
| 45 Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols from sandy loess or loessic loam |
| 46 Haplic Luvisols / Eutric Podzoluvisols / Eutric Cambisols from sandy loess overlying sand or loam |
| 47 Eutric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from loessic loam with fragments of basalt |
| 48 Stagnic Gleysols / Eutric Cambisols / Haplic Luvisols from loess or loessic loam |
| 49 Rendzic Leptosols from slope deposits over limestone, marlstone, and dolomite alternating with Chromic Cambisols and Chromic Luvisols from silty and clayey material derived from limestone weathering |
| 50 Eutric and Chromic Cambisols from redeposited material derived from lime-stone, marlstone and dolomite weathering and Rendzic Leptosols from limestone |
| 51 Vertic Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from marlstone and claystone weathering |
| 52 Eutric Cambisols from marlstone and calcareous gravels |
| 53 Eutric Cambisols from basic and intermediate igneous rocks |
| 54 Andic Cambisols from tuffs rich in bases |
| 55 Dystric Cambisols from acid igneous and metamorphic rocks |
| 56 Dystric Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols from weathered metamorphic rocks, sand-stone, quartzite, and acid to intermediate igneous rocks |
| 57 Spodic Cambisols from acid igneous and metamorphic rocks |
| 58 Spodic Cambisols from siltstone, sandstone, and claystone |
| 59 Spodic Cambisols from hard argillaceous and silty slates with greywacke, sandstone, quartzite, and phyllite |
| 60 Spodic Cambisols from hard argillaceous and silty slates, greywacke, and phyllite |
| 61 Dystric Cambisols from quartzitic sandstones and conglomerates with low base status |
| 62 Dystric Cambisols from loess-bearing sediments overlying sandstone and quartzite |
| 63 Cambic and Haplic Podzols from sandstone and quartzite with low base status |
| 64 Stagnic and Spodic Gleysols from loamy and gritty cover sediments mixed with loess overlying sandstone and quartzite |
| 65 Frequently alternating Dystric and Spodic Cambisols / Rendzic Leptosols / Haplic Luvisols from slate, greywacke, and limestone, and loessic loam overlying various rocks |
| 66 Frequently alternating Rendzic and Umbric Leptosols / Spodic and Vertic Cambisols / Haplic Luvisol / Stagnic Gleysols from limestone and marlstone, sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, and loessic loam overlying various rocks |
| 67 Relics of Acrisols / Ferralsols formed during the Tertiary |
| 68 Soils of different altitudes of the alps from limestone and dolomite (e.g. Rendzic Leptosols / Calcaric Cambisols), and non-calcareous silicate rocks (e.g. Umbric Leptosols / Spodic Cambisols / Stagnic Gleysols) |
| 69 Lithic Leptosols of the higher altitude zones of the alps |
| 70 Sealed areas in larger cities (Urbic Anthrosols) |
| 71 Soils redeposited by man and large open-cast mines (Cumulic Anthrosols) |
| 72 Surface water |