basin poly_forEditing (0)
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| <all other values> |
tect_unit_all_forEditing (1)
overlay_point (143)
| Seamount |
| Salt domes |
| Shale domes |
| Anticline fold |
| Impact structures |
| Active volcanoes |
| Extinct volcanoes |
overlay_line (boundaries) (144)
| Salt diapirism |
| Shale diapirism |
overlay_poly (145)
| Negative structural element |
| Positive structural element |
| t(sm) |
| t(pl) |
| Anticline fold (zone) |
| Salt diapirism |
| Shale diapirism |
rifts_line (boundary) (147)
rifts_poly (148)
kimb_line (150)
lips_line (boundary) (151)
lips_poly (152)
| sv(fb), 0 |
| sv(fb), 1 |
| sv(fb), 2 |
| sv(fb), 3 |
| sv(fb), 4 |
| sv(fb), 5 |
| sv(fb), 6 |
| sv(fb), 7 |
| sv(fb), 8 |
| sv(fb), 9 |
| sv(gb), 0 |
| sv(gb), 1 |
| sv(gb), 2 |
| sv(gb), 3 |
| sv(gb), 4 |
| sv(gb), 5 |
| sv(gb), 6 |
| sv(gb), 7 |
| sv(gb), 8 |
| sv(gb), 9 |
| sv(vr), 0 |
| sv(vr), 1 |
| sv(vr), 2 |
| sv(vr), 3 |
| sv(vr), 4 |
| sv(vr), 5 |
| sv(vr), 6 |
| sv(vr), 7 |
| sv(vr), 8 |
| sv(vr), 9 |
base_cc_point (Plume-, Rift-related / Intraplate) (153)
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 0 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 1 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 2 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 3 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 4 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 5 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 6 |
| Alkaline and subalkaline granites and syenites, 7 |
| int(A),8 |
| int(A),9 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 0 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 1 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 2 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 3 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 4 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 5 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 6 |
| Alkaline mafic-ultramafic, 7 |
| int(alk),8 |
| int(alk),9 |
| int(an),0 |
| int(an),1 |
| int(an),2 |
| int(an),3 |
| int(an),4 |
| int(an),5 |
| int(an),6 |
| int(an),7 |
| int(an),8 |
| int(an),9 |
| int(carb),0 |
| int(carb),1 |
| int(carb),2 |
| int(carb),3 |
| int(carb),4 |
| int(carb),5 |
| int(carb),6 |
| int(carb),7 |
| int(carb),8 |
| int(carb),9 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 0 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 1 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 2 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 3 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 4 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 5 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 6 |
| Kimberlite, lamproite, 7 |
| int(kimb),8 |
| int(kimb),9 |
| int(lamb),0 |
| int(lamb),1 |
| int(lamb),2 |
| int(lamb),3 |
| int(lamb),4 |
| int(lamb),5 |
| int(lamb),6 |
| int(lamb),7 |
| int(lamb),8 |
| int(lamb),9 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 0 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 1 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 2 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 3 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 4 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 5 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 6 |
| Layered ultramafic-mafic, 7 |
| int(lum),8 |
| int(lum),9 |
base_cc_point (Accretion-, collision-related) (154)
| Alpine-type ultramafic-mafic |
| Subductional M-, I-type granites |
| Blueschist |
| Eclogite |
base_bou_&_etc (155)
| tj(ray) |
| tj(poi) |
| unf(blr) |
| unf(bll) |
| sv(gbs) |
| vec(bat) |
| vec(grav) |
| vec(mag) |
| Normal or listric faults. Established |
| Normal or listric faults. Inferred |
| Normal or listric faults. Blind |
| Strike-slip faults dextral. Established |
| Strike-slip faults dextral. Inferred |
| Strike-slip faults dextral. Blind |
| Strike-slip faults sinistral. Established |
| Strike-slip faults sinistral. Inferred |
| Strike-slip faults sinistral. Blind |
| Overthrusts. Established |
| Overthrusts. Inferred |
| Overthrusts. Blind |
| Unclassified faults. Established |
| Unclassified faults. Inferred |
| Unclassified faults. blind |
| Deformation fronts of orogen. Established |
| Deformation fronts of orogen. Inferred |
| Deformation fronts of orogen. Blind |
| Boundary between zones of deformational belt. Established |
| Boundary between zones of deformational belt. Inferred |
| Boundary between zones of deformational belt. Blind |
| Suture_line. Inferred |
| Suture_line. Established |
basin lable (157)
basin_line (158)
| 7, bs(bl) |
| 7, bs(bou) |
| 7, bs(est) |
| 6, bs(bl) |
| 6, bs(est) |
| 6, bs(bou) |
| 5, bs(bl) |
| 5, bs(est) |
| 5, bs(bou) |
| 4, bs(est) |
| 4, bs(bou) |
| 4, bs(bl) |
| 3, bs(est) |
| 3, bs(bl) |
| 3, bs(bou) |
| 2, bs(est) |
| 2, bs(bou) |
| 2, bs(bl) |
isopach_line (159)
bourders (162)
Labeling (163)
fill by age of repeated reworking (164)
| C |
| C3 |
| C3v2 |
| C3v1 |
| C2 |
| C2v2 |
| C2v1 |
| C1 |
| C1v2 |
| C1v1 |
| LM |
| LM3 |
| LM2 |
| LM1 |
| EM |
| EM3 |
| EM2 |
| EM1 |
| LP |
| LP4 |
| LP3 |
| LP2 |
| LP1 |
| EP |
| EP3 |
| EP2 |
| EP1 |
| P |
| P3 |
| P3v3 |
| P3v2 |
| P3v1 |
| P2 |
| P2v3 |
| P2v2 |
| P2v1 |
| P1 |
| P1v3 |
| P1v2 |
| P1v1 |
| A |
| A3 |
| A2 |
| A1 |
| A0 |
| H |
fill by age of reworking (165)
| C |
| C3 |
| C3v2 |
| C3v1 |
| C2 |
| C2v2 |
| C2v1 |
| C1 |
| C1v2 |
| C1v1 |
| LM |
| LM3 |
| LM2 |
| LM1 |
| EM |
| EM3 |
| EM2 |
| EM1 |
| LP |
| LP4 |
| LP3 |
| LP2 |
| LP1 |
| EP |
| EP3 |
| EP2 |
| EP1 |
| P |
| P3 |
| P3v3 |
| P3v2 |
| P3v1 |
| P2 |
| P2v3 |
| P2v2 |
| P2v1 |
| P1 |
| P1v3 |
| P1v2 |
| P1v1 |
| A |
| A3 |
| A2 |
| A1 |
| A0 |
| H |
Other (167)
| Impact structures |
Plume-, Rift-related / Intraplate (168)
| v(vs),1 |
| sv(fb), 0 |
| sv(fb), 1 |
| sv(fb), 2 |
| sv(fb), 3 |
| sv(fb), 4 |
| sv(fb), 5 |
| sv(fb), 6 |
| sv(fb), 7 |
| sv(fb), 8 |
| sv(fb), 9 |
| sv(gb), 0 |
| sv(gb), 1 |
| sv(gb), 2 |
| sv(gb), 3 |
| sv(gb), 4 |
| sv(gb), 5 |
| sv(gb), 6 |
| sv(gb), 7 |
| sv(gb), 8 |
| sv(gb), 9 |
| sv(vr), 0 |
| sv(vr), 1 |
| sv(vr), 2 |
| sv(vr), 3 |
| sv(vr), 4 |
| sv(vr), 5 |
| sv(vr), 6 |
| sv(vr), 7 |
| sv(vr), 8 |
| sv(vr), 9 |
| int(lum), 0 |
| int(lum), 1 |
| int(lum), 2 |
| int(lum), 3 |
| int(lum), 4 |
| int(lum), 5 |
| int(lum), 6 |
| int(lum), 7 |
| int(lum), 8 |
| int(lum), 9 |
| int(an), 0 |
| int(an), 1 |
| int(an), 2 |
| int(an), 3 |
| int(an), 4 |
| int(an), 5 |
| int(an), 6 |
| int(an), 7 |
| int(an), 8 |
| int(an), 9 |
| int(alk), 0 |
| int(alk), 1 |
| int(alk), 2 |
| int(alk), 3 |
| int(alk), 4 |
| int(alk), 5 |
| int(alk), 6 |
| int(alk), 7 |
| int(alk), 8 |
| int(alk), 9 |
| int(A), 0 |
| int(A), 1 |
| int(A), 2 |
| int(A), 3 |
| int(A), 4 |
| int(A), 5 |
| int(A), 6 |
| int(A), 7 |
| int(A), 8 |
| int(A), 9 |
| int(rg), 0 |
| int(rg), 1 |
| int(rg), 2 |
| int(rg), 3 |
| int(rg), 4 |
| int(rg), 5 |
| int(rg), 6 |
| int(rg), 7 |
| int(rg), 8 |
| int(rg), 9 |
Temp for metamorphic (169)
| TTG-type granites («gray gneiss») |
| m(gmb) |
| Granulite-gneissic |
| Amphibolite-gneissic,migmatite-gneissic |
| Greenschist |
| Blueschist |
| m(gbs) |
| Metamorphic cores of Cordillera-type |
base_cc_image_line (170)
| m(ttg) |
| m(gmb) |
| m(gec) |
| m(agc) |
| m(sgb) |
| m(bsh) |
Accretion-, collision-related environments (171)
| sv(vr) |
| int(alk) |
| int(an) |
| int(lum) |
| int(rg) |
| int(A) |
| sv(gb) |
| Ophiolitic melange |
| Basalts, clastic and cherty deposits of paleo-oceanic crust |
| v() |
| Ensimatic island-arc |
| Ensialic arc and maggin volcanic belts |
| Back-arc basins |
| s() |
| Accretional wedge rocks |
| Molasses and olistostrome |
| gr() |
| Subductional M-, I-type granites |
| Collisional S-, I- type granites |
Superimposed intracontinental and continental-margin volcanic-plutonic belts (172)
| EM3, v(vs) |
| LM, v(vs) |
fill by age (173)
| B4 |
| B3 |
| C |
| C3 |
| C3v2 |
| C3v1 |
| C2 |
| C2v2 |
| C2v1 |
| C1 |
| C1v2 |
| C1v1 |
| LM |
| LM3 |
| LM2 |
| LM1 |
| EM |
| EM3 |
| EM2 |
| EM1 |
| LP |
| LP4 |
| LP3 |
| LP2 |
| LP1 |
| EP |
| EP3 |
| EP2 |
| EP1 |
| P |
| P3 |
| P3v3 |
| P3v2 |
| P3v1 |
| P2 |
| P2v3 |
| P2v2 |
| P2v1 |
| P1 |
| P1v3 |
| P1v2 |
| P1v1 |
| A |
| A3 |
| A2 |
| A1 |
| A0 |
| H |
ocean_point (175)
| Mantle unroofing |
| Seamount |
ocean_magnetic_line (176)
ocean_transform_line (177)
| Active established |
| Active blind |
| Extinct |
ocean_spreading_line (178)
| Active established |
| Active blind |
| Extinct |
overlay_ocean_line (179)
| Mantle unroofing boundary |
| Submarine plateau boundary |
overlay_ocean_poly (180)
| Mantle unroofing |
| Submarine plateau |
base_ocean_poly (labeling) (181)
base_ocean_line_COB (182)
| COB. Established |
| COB. Inferred |
| COB(bl) |
base_ocean_line (183)
| Geological boundary. Established |
| Geological boundary. Inferred |
| Geological boundary. Blind |
base_ocean_poly (fill) (184)
| O1 |
| O2 |
| O3 |
| O4 |
| O5 |
| O6 |
| O7 |
| T1 |
| X1 |
| X2 |
| X3 |
basin_poly_Union (185)
| 7, 0-1 |
| 7, 1-2 |
| 7, 2-3 |
| 7, 3-4 |
| 7, 4-6 |
| 7, 6-8 |
| 7, 8-10 |
| 7, 10-12 |
| 7, 12-16 |
| 7, 16-24 |
| 6, 0-1 |
| 6, 1-2 |
| 6, 2-3 |
| 6, 3-4 |
| 6, 4-6 |
| 6, 6-8 |
| 6, 8-10 |
| 6, 10-12 |
| 6, 12-16 |
| 6, 16-24 |
| 5, 0-1 |
| 5, 1-2 |
| 5, 2-3 |
| 5, 3-4 |
| 5, 4-6 |
| 5, 6-8 |
| 5, 8-10 |
| 5, 10-12 |
| 5, 12-16 |
| 5, 16-24 |
| 4, 0-1 |
| 4, 1-2 |
| 4, 2-3 |
| 4, 3-4 |
| 4, 4-6 |
| 4, 6-8 |
| 4, 8-10 |
| 4, 10-12 |
| 4, 12-16 |
| 4, 16-24 |
| 3, 0-1 |
| 3, 1-2 |
| 3, 2-3 |
| 3, 3-4 |
| 3, 4-6 |
| 3, 6-8 |
| 3, 8-10 |
| 3, 10-12 |
| 3, 12-16 |
| 3, 16-24 |
| 2, 0-1 |
| 2, 1-2 |
| 2, 2-3 |
| 2, 3-4 |
| 2, 4-6 |
| 2, 6-8 |
| 2, 8-10 |
| 2, 10-12 |
| 2, 12-16 |
| 2, 16-24 |
| 1,0-1 |
| 1,1-2 |
| 1,2-3 |
| 1,3-4 |
| 1,4-6 |
| 1,6-8 |
| 1,8-10 |
| 1,10-12 |
| 1,12-16 |
| 1,16-24 |