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snippet: The World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP) provides data and information about the earth´s major groundwater resources. The Groundwater Resources Map shows various characteristic groundwater environments in their areal extent and classified by their aquifer productivity and recharge potential. Additional groundwater related features such as wetlands and areas of low rainfall are included in the dataset.
summary: The World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP) provides data and information about the earth´s major groundwater resources. The Groundwater Resources Map shows various characteristic groundwater environments in their areal extent and classified by their aquifer productivity and recharge potential. Additional groundwater related features such as wetlands and areas of low rainfall are included in the dataset.
extent: [[-179,-89],[179,83]]
accessInformation: (C) BGR: 2022
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP) provides data and information about the earth´s major groundwater resources. The Groundwater Resources Map shows various characteristic groundwater environments in their areal extent and classified by their aquifer productivity and recharge potential. Additional groundwater related features such as wetlands and areas of low rainfall are included in the dataset.
licenseInfo: Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, s.: - General terms and conditions, s.; Die bereitgestellten Informationen sind bei Weiterverwendung wie folgt zu zitieren: Datenquelle: WHYMAP, (C) BGR Hannover & UNESCO Paris
title: BGR Grundwasser: WHYMAP GWR
type: Map Service
tags: ["Groundwater abstraction","Hydrogeologie","Groundwater resources","Groundwater","Grundwasservorkommen","Groundwater recharge","Geology","Hydrogeology","Grundwasserneubildung","World-wide","Grundwasserentnahme","Grundwasser","Geologie","Weltweit","Aquifer"]
culture: de-DE
guid: 7FFE9E27-935C-4F5F-B040-E4801E48EB9F
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984