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Legend (inspire_ge/gk2000)

GE.GeomorphologicFeature (1)
impact crater (Nördlinger Ries) impact crater (Nördlinger Ries)
impact crater (Steinheimer Becken) impact crater (Steinheimer Becken)
marginal position of the ice shield (Elsterian) marginal position of the ice shield (Elsterian)
marginal position of the ice shield (Saalian) marginal position of the ice shield (Saalian)
marginal position of the ice shield (Weichselian) marginal position of the ice shield (Weichselian)
GE.GeologicFault (2)
fault fault
reverse fault reverse fault
GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology (3)
sedimentary material sedimentary material
igneous rock igneous rock
fine grained igneous rock fine grained igneous rock
fine grained igneous rock, fragmental igneous material fine grained igneous rock, fragmental igneous material
metamorphic rock metamorphic rock
GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks (4)
Cenozoic Cenozoic
Holocene Holocene
Pleistocene Pleistocene
Weichselian Weichselian
Saalian Saalian
Elsterian Elsterian
Neogene Neogene
Miocene Miocene
Paleogene Paleogene
Cretaceous Cretaceous
Upper Cretaceous Upper Cretaceous
Lower Cretaceous Lower Cretaceous
Jurassic Jurassic
Upper Jurassic Upper Jurassic
Middle Jurassic Middle Jurassic
Lower Jurassic Lower Jurassic
Triassic Triassic
Upper Triassic Upper Triassic
Middle Triassic Middle Triassic
Lower Triassic Lower Triassic
Paleozoic Paleozoic
Permian Permian
Carboniferous Carboniferous
Devonian Devonian
Upper Devonian Upper Devonian
Middle Devonian Middle Devonian
Lower Devonian Lower Devonian
Silurian Silurian
Ordovician Ordovician
Cambrian Cambrian
Precambrian Precambrian