GE.GeomorphologicFeature (1)
| impact crater (Nördlinger Ries) |
| marginal position of the ice shield (Bavelian - Cromerian) |
| marginal position of the ice shield (Elsterian) |
| marginal position of the ice shield (Saalian) |
| marginal position of the ice shield (Weichselian) |
GE.GeologicFault (2)
| fault |
GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology (3)
| sedimentary material |
| sedimentary material, metamorphic rock |
| igneous rock |
| fine grained igneous rock |
| fine grained igneous rock, fragmental igneous material |
| metamorphic rock |
GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks (4)
| Cenozoic |
| Holocene |
| Pleistocene |
| Neogene |
| Paleogene |
| Cretaceous |
| Upper Cretaceous |
| Lower Cretaceous |
| Jurassic |
| Upper Jurassic |
| Middle Jurassic |
| Lower Jurassic |
| Triassic |
| Lower Triassic |
| Middle Triassic |
| Upper Triassic |
| Paleozoic |
| Lopingian |
| Carboniferous |
| Pennsylvanian |
| Devonian |
| Upper Devonian |
| Middle Devonian |
| Lower Devonian |
| Silurian |
| Ordovician |
| Cambrian |
| Precambrian |