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Legend (inspire_ge/inspee_ds)

GE.GeologicUnit.Isopachs Zechstein (5)
Thickness [m] Thickness [m]
GE.GeologicStructure.Faults thickness Zechstein (6)
Fault Fault
GE.GeologicUnit.Boundary elements of potential areas Zechstein (7)
Distribution of Zechstein salinar Distribution of Zechstein salinar
Distribution of Zechstein salt diapir Distribution of Zechstein salt diapir
Salt pillows Salt pillows
Depth criterion 2000 m top Zechstein Depth criterion 2000 m top Zechstein
Boundary tectonic element Boundary tectonic element
GE.GeologicUnit.Uncertainty areas thickness Zechstein (8)
GE.GeologicUnit.Isobaths Top Zechstein (10)
Depth Top Zechstein (meters above standard zero) Depth Top Zechstein (meters above standard zero)
GE.GeologicStructure.Faults Top Zechstein (11)
Fault Fault
GE.GeologicUnit.Boundary elements of potential areas Zechstein (12)
Distribution of Zechstein salinar Distribution of Zechstein salinar
Distribution of Zechstein salt diapir Distribution of Zechstein salt diapir
Salt pillows Salt pillows
Depth criterion 2000 m top Zechstein Depth criterion 2000 m top Zechstein
Boundary tectonic element Boundary tectonic element
GE.GeologicUnit.Uncertainty areas Top Zechstein (13)
GE.GeologicUnit.Isobaths Basis Zechstein (15)
Depth Basis Zechstein (meters above standard zero) Depth Basis Zechstein (meters above standard zero)
GE.GeologicStructure.Faults Basis Zechstein (16)
Fault Fault
GE.GeologicUnit.Boundary elements of potential areas Zechstein (17)
Distribution of Zechstein salinar Distribution of Zechstein salinar
Distribution of Zechstein salt diapir Distribution of Zechstein salt diapir
Salt pillows Salt pillows
Depth criterion 2000 m top Zechstein Depth criterion 2000 m top Zechstein
Boundary tectonic element Boundary tectonic element
GE.GeologicUnit.Uncertainty areas Basis Zechstein (18)
GE.GeologicUnit.Storage potential in the Federal States (19)
GE.GeologicUnit.Potential storage areas in flat layered Malm salt (22)
Potential (criteria not fulfilled) Potential (criteria not fulfilled)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Malm salinar (23)
Distribution of Malm salinar Distribution of Malm salinar
Distribution of structure building Malm salinar Distribution of structure building Malm salinar
GE.GeologicUnit.Potential storage areas in flat layered Keuper salt (25)
Potential (criteria not fulfilled) Potential (criteria not fulfilled)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Keuper salinar (26)
Distribution of Keuper salinar Distribution of Keuper salinar
Distribution of structure building Keuper salinar Distribution of structure building Keuper salinar
GE.GeologicUnit.Potential storage areas in flat layered Muschelkalk salt (28)
Potential (criteria not fulfilled) Potential (criteria not fulfilled)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Muschelkalk salinar (29)
GE.GeologicUnit.Potential storage areas in flat layered Röt salt (31)
Potential (criteria not fulfilled) Potential (criteria not fulfilled)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Röt salinar (32)
GE.GeologicUnit.Potential storage areas in flat layered Zechstein salt (34)
Storage potential (doesn‘t meet criteria) Storage potential (doesn‘t meet criteria)
Usable storage potential (does meet criteria) Usable storage potential (does meet criteria)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Zechstein diapir (not processed in the project for flat layered salt) (35)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Zechstein salinar (36)
GE.GeologicUnit.Potential storage areas in flat layered Rotliegend salt (38)
Potential (criteria not fulfilled) Potential (criteria not fulfilled)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of Rotliegend salinar (39)
Distribution of Rotliegend salinar Distribution of Rotliegend salinar
Distribution of structure building Rotliegend salinar Distribution of structure building Rotliegend salinar
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of salt diapir (not subject to processing) (41)
GE.GeologicUnit.Distribution of flat layered salt and salt pillows (42)